Diamond Open Access
Statutes of the OAPublishing Collective Cooperative
I. Company, registered office and purpose of the cooperative Article 1 Company, registered office Under the company OAPublishing Collective Cooperative (OAPublishing Collective Société Coopérative; OAPublishing Collective Società Cooperativa; OAPublishing Collective Cooperative) is a cooperative for an indefinite period of time in accordance with the law (Art. 828 et seq. CO) and these Articles of Association…
Active management and hosting of relevant journals
We offer active management and hosting of relevant journals. This includes, for example, supporting editors and taking on editorial or coordinating tasks. We also offer hosting (imprint) of other journals on the open source platform Open Journal Systems. Services in this area are scalable and features can be added. The journals are linked to academic…
OAPublishing Collective Cooperative
The OAPublishing Collective is a publishing cooperative for scientific content from the fields of education, media/pedagogy, culture, code, social work and much more. The purpose of the cooperative is to provide its members, in a politically and denominationally neutral manner, with publication, editing, publishing and other services in connection with publicly accessible, specialised scientific publications,…